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January 2003
# S M T W T F S
1 1234
2 567891011
3 12131415161718
4 19202122232425
5 262728293031
February 2003
# S M T W T F S
5 1
6 2345678
7 9101112131415
8 16171819202122
9 232425262728
March 2003
# S M T W T F S
9 1
10 2345678
11 9101112131415
12 16171819202122
13 23242526272829
14 3031
April 2003
# S M T W T F S
14 12345
15 6789101112
16 13141516171819
17 20212223242526
18 27282930
May 2003
# S M T W T F S
18 123
19 45678910
20 11121314151617
21 18192021222324
22 25262728293031
June 2003
# S M T W T F S
23 1234567
24 891011121314
25 15161718192021
26 22232425262728
27 2930
July 2003
# S M T W T F S
27 12345
28 6789101112
29 13141516171819
30 20212223242526
31 2728293031
August 2003
# S M T W T F S
31 12
32 3456789
33 10111213141516
34 17181920212223
35 24252627282930
36 31
September 2003
# S M T W T F S
36 123456
37 78910111213
38 14151617 181920
39 21 22 2324252627
40 2829 30
October 2003
# S M T W T F S
40 1234
41 567891011
42 1213 141516 1718
43 19 202122232425
44 26 2728293031
November 2003
# S M T W T F S
44 1
45 2345678
46 910 1112131415
47 1617 1819202122
48 23242526272829
49 30
December 2003
# S M T W T F S
49 123456
50 78910111213
51 141516 17181920
52 21222324252627
53 28 293031
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