French Horn Pro
 iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch
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Tutorial 1 - Sending and receiving songs via email

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French Horn Pro makes it possible to share your songs with your friends, fellow students, and teachers. Under the Song Details screen is an option to send an email of the song. It will look something like the following. The text you want to copy to the Pasteboard is circled in red.

Touch the encoded lines and keep your finger pressed down. You should see an option to SELECT. Choose the SELECT option as the following screen shows:


The encoded lines will be highlighted. Make sure that each character of the encoded lines are highlighted otherwise the paste will not work.

After selecting all of the characters on the encoded lines press the COPY per the following screen. Note the small dots surrounding the highlighted text. You can drag those dots on the screen if you need to capture all of the text.

Teachers - have your students send their scores to you via email. Also you may create new exercises for your students and send them via email to your students. Your students can easily enter them into their Ipod Touch or Iphone simply by copying the notes from email within the iphone and then pasting into the notes section.

Students - email your scores back to your teacher with just a few taps.