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Contact Plus Professional Overview:
Correspondence and Filters

Writing correspondence in Contact Plus Professional couldn't be easier. Custom templates can be used for sending letters, contracts, sales quotes, faxes, or whatever you may be sending to your contacts. Print directly to your own printer  ready to send to your clients.

Quickletters can be reused on many contacts
A completed quickletter in the built-in word processor

Click on image to enlarge
Form letters in MS Word are easy to use
Example of a form letter in Microsoft Word

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Including our fast built-in word processor, all the features of word processors like Microsoft Word and Corel Wordperfect are available to you when creating individual Quickletters or Mail Merges. Font changes, graphics, tables, all these are are supported because Contact Plus uses the native file formats of these popular word processors.

Once you have a number of records in the database you may want to work with only a subset of those records, like for a mail merge. This tool is called filters (at right). Criteria for filters can be based on contact fields like Company, or events like Calls. A more complex filter could use a combination of criteria.

Filters are used in conjunction with many features in Contact Plus Professional besides mail merge. Because of this, it is recommended that at least a working knowledge of their use is important.


Powerful, reusable filters
Customized filters to select records

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The edit filter screen
Creating new filters is easy

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You can create simple filters such as "Category equals H". Examples of more complex ones could be "State equals FL and DateAdded is after 4/6/99" or "Zip starts with 329 and EventType equals Call".

In the example at left, Contact Plus Pro would select "Contacts in New York with category P and user field 2 is greater than 20". This filter could be used for a mail merge, report, labels, or many other features.